That moment changed our lives

22. Dec 2015

Our story

It was only recently when we knocked “on the door” of GYN-FIV. That moment changed our life. I am most grateful to them for it. And also to myself that I took courage, to my husband that he didn’t give up, to my parents for their support and last but not least to my friend. I am looking at my beautiful sonny cradled in my arms and just sleeping. But let’s go back to the beginning.

From my first marriage which did not work I have a daughter, unfortunately, seriously ill. The cause results from the disease of my ex-husband side. I have always longed for kids and I have never been content with one child only. But while I was finding my way out of all tug-of-war of divorce and found a new partner, the years were passing. We soon realized that something had been wrong. First, we lost time by determining the moment of ovulation and trying to hit at the right time. Meanwhile, I turned 39, the age until which insurance companies cover embryo transfers. Even that fact, however, did not stop my great longing for a baby which was growing more and more. One day my friend who already had two babies from this centre recommended MUDr. Harbulák to me. At that time there were more centres operating, but my friend helped me in choosing the right one by her own experience and she was a great support for me over the entire process.

But it was not running smoothly. I had a good hormone profile, ovulation as well, and I was healthy. The only thing I had was a pre-menstrual syndrome and a few myomas which was not the cause for preventing me from getting pregnant. Then it was my husband’s turn. First I started to explain to him the whole procedure step by step. To undergo sperm collection was almost beyond him, I could read a sense of shame in his eyes. But he overcame it.  There was detected a problem with the quality and count of his sperm. But it is quite common today. Moreover, we underwent genetic tests and then we were prepared to do it. The stimulation followed and I did not believe I would handle applying injections into my belly. I managed my first injection with my husband’s assistance and the others on my own. That did not hurt, it was an evening ritual. A good soul – a charge nurse from GYN-FIV – explained everything to me, how to apply injections, and she even lent me a vial when I missed one. I had my regular morning check-ups at the centre where I met more other women. I had a short protocol, the stimulation took two more days as it was scheduled only to let the eggs mature properly. I was a nervous wreck; there were only 4 eggs, whereas other women had even 10-15.  I had a stomach ache, it was enlarged as I was pregnant! A motto “More than a wish… more than anything” fully describes my feelings, I was in tears longing for a baby, and the level of my hormones was unstable. I was implanted two fertilized eggs; unluckily, the remaining ones were not suitable for freezing. Following the embryo transfer I stayed at home for a week, lying and begging them to survive. After a couple of days I felt some pain in the lower abdomen as during a period and I started spotting and bleeding slightly. I thought everything was lost. I did a pregnancy test and it was negative. And out of temper I went to my check-up. In the afternoon I was given a call from GYN-FIV and I almost fainted after having heard I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe it, I was as happy as a lark. I pulled out my pregnancy test from a waste bin and indeed I saw a thin line. However, we were not out of the woods yet. Although I didn’t have a hyperstimulation syndrome (note: it is said that at advanced age it doesn’t occur, on the contrary, there is a risk of insufficient stimulation) and a little embryo embedded, I knew I could suffer a miscarriage, or a baby could be ill. I had read too much about it what might have been a drawback.

Finally, our baby was luckily borne to the full term with no problems, and I also underwent amniocentesis.  Two days before the term our beautiful healthy 4-kilo baby boy was born. We all are entranced with him. Still I cannot believe it worked out at the first try. It cost a fortune, but was worth it.
At egg retrieval I met a 38-year-old Janka who had once undergone a transfer, sadly without any result. We fed each other with hope. We kept in touch, unfortunately, she failed to become pregnant. They had frozen eggs, but later they had problems with a thawing process. So after a holiday and a short break they underwent the third try hoping it would work. In the end, it turned out well and they were incredibly happy.

What to say in conclusion? I strongly recommend not waiting too long and do visit the centre. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the success, just believe. If it fails at the first try, it will work at the next one. A GYN-FIV team, particularly fascinating doctor Harbulák, will help you to make your dream come true. They all are experts in the right place, with a human approach.  If we could turn back time, we would have knocked on their door earlier.

Marika from Košice


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