1. How long can frozen eggs be stored?

Frozen eggs can be stored for an indefinite period, but ideally they should be used during the reproductive period of a woman.

2. Can the process of freezing damage the eggs?

Although the egg is made up of only one cell, the method of freezing eggs (vitrification) is so developed today that freezing and subsequent thawing will survive 90-97% of the eggs and the fertilisation rate is 71-79%, which is comparable to fresh eggs.

3. I’d like to have my eggs frozen, but I don’t have a partner right now. Is that a problem?

The main advantage of egg freezing is that sperm is not needed at the time of egg retrieval.

4. What is the ideal age for freezing eggs?

The ideal age for women considering freezing eggs is 31-35 years, but this is not a requirement.

5. What is the egg freezing process like?

The course of social freezing basically corresponds to the first phase of fertility treatment. The patient undergoes consultation and basic examinations at our center. The doctor then suggests a stimulation protocol to get as many high-quality eggs as possible. During the hormonal stimulation, the growth of follicles is stimulated in the ovaries, while the whole process is monitored by ultrasound examination. Subsequently, the eggs are retrieved and frozen at minus 196° C. Thus, they can be safely stored for an unlimited period. As far as egg retrieval is concerned, it is performed in short-term general anaesthesia, with a maximum duration of 10-15 minutes.

However, the eggs can be used until a woman reaches the age of 50 years at the latest, which is the upper age limit for undergoing embryo transfer at our clinic.

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