Reproductive immunology

The newly added medical specialty in the therapy of infertility is REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY. It offers further clues in the search for reasons for infertility.

The doctor of the Fertility Centre decides individually whether to supplement the treatment of infertility after exclusion of anatomical, hormonal, infectious or genetic causes with diagnostic treatment of reproductive medicine.

In this case it must be taken into consideration that the infertility of a woman can also be caused by an immune disorder.

These include after-effects of various chronic inflammations, immunopathological conditions leading to sterility or infertility, autoimmune diseases affecting the health of mother and child, or allergies.

In this group we can classify women with repeated spontaneous miscarriages (after 2 spontaneous miscarriages without relevance of age) or after unsuccessful attempts of different methods of artificial insemination (if it does not come to procreation or birth of a viable child), in immunopathology in the family, if special autoimmune diseases concerning systemic or single organs are proven.

Within the framework of reproductive immunology, different examinations are carried out, for example: Examination of cellular immunity (cellular immunity, intracellular cytokines), examination of the reproductive system (antibodies against sperm, glass skin, ovaries), screening of systemic autoimmune diseases (ANA screen, antibodies against ß-2-glycoprotein I, antiphospholipid syndrome, antibodies against annexin V, prothrombin, examination of other diseases (screening of celiac disease, vitamin D, histamine intolerance, cystic fibrosis, thyroid gland).

After completing the results, the physician – immunologist determines the therapy and discusses the treatment with a physician from the fertility center.

The contact to the doctor-immunologist and detailed information about the appointment will be given to the clients by the doctor in the fertility centre.

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